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Vijay Murthy on UK Health Radio
VegMed 2021, Berlin. 28 February – 2 March

VegMed 2021, Berlin. 28 February – 2 March

TitlePowered by Plants – Vegan Sports Nutrition Dr.Vijay Murthy College of Medicine, UK Plant based diets are nutritionally adequate for not only the general population of all ages but also for athletes. The consumption of whole plant foods such as vegetables, whole...

Five Key Lifestyle Principles During Covid-19

Five Key Lifestyle Principles During Covid-19

Are you getting enough sleep? Usually 8 to 9 hours of a good night’s sleep is recommended. Sleep is our first line of defence against infections as cytokines produced during sleep help fight infections. Are you eating well? Try and prepare your own meals, rather than...

Warm Oil Blend For Healthy Skin, Joints & Stress

Warm Oil Blend For Healthy Skin, Joints & Stress

Regular application of warm oil blends with sesame oil as the base before shower is beneficial in many ways. Warm oil application after exercise and showering can help faster recovery and reduce body aches. As a morning ritual, it can settle the mind and stimulate the...

Warm Spice Drink for Energy, Sleep, Immunity and Hormone Support

Warm Spice Drink for Energy, Sleep, Immunity and Hormone Support

Is it not too fattening? When I recommend this recipe to my clients, soon after they read the list of ingredients, their immediate question to me is “is it not too fattening?” Their question is an excellent one as it gives me an opportunity to explain the different...

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